Physician Thriving
Hosted by Dr. Hilary McClafferty, a nationally respected expert on physician wellbeing, physician coach, and author of Mind-Body Medicine in Clinical Practice, this interview-based podcast series explores the modern physician experience and how physicians navigate a changing medical landscape with a focus on resilience and acquiring skills to thrive in medicine. Find more resources and courses at www.apim.org on the Physician Health and Wellness tab.
13 episodes
Physician Wellness 360: Considering Resilience
This episode continues our exploration of the new Physician Wellness 360 course and workbook offering 10 category 1 AMA CME credits designed by Dr. McClafferty to catalyze your progress towards heath and wellbeing. Join in ...

Physician Wellness 360: Introduction and Worksheet 1
This episode introduces the new Physician Wellness 360 course and workbook offering 10 category 1 AMA CME credits designed by Dr. McClafferty to catalyze your progress towards heath and wellbeing. Join in weekly as we move throug...

Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa: A Healing Perspective on Physician Wellbeing
Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa is board certified in Internal Medicine and an expert in Ayurveda, Lifestyle Medicine, and Integrative Medicine. Learn more about her work and courses here: https://drsirichand.com

Dr. Duncan Still: Perspectives on Physician Wellness in the UK
Dr. Duncan Still is a practicing GP and Education Lead and Holistic Doctor with the National Centre for Integrative Medicine in the UK. www.ncim.org.uk

A Surgeon's Journey to Wellbeing: Dr. Gary Goodman
In this episode Dr. Gary Goodman, specialist in urologic surgery and integrative medicine, and past Chief of Staff North Colorado Medical Center, and former Medical Director, Integrative Medicine, University of Colorado Health talks about his j...

Clinical Hypnosis and Relaxation Skills with Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson is an internationally respected Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Edinburgh, Scotland who has developed some of the most downloaded apps for self-care with more than 17 million and counting. In this episode he explores the power a...

"We See You": Dr. Hilary McClafferty
Hilary McClafferty, MD, FAAP is Board certified in pediatrics, pediatric emergency medicine and integrative medicine. She practices pediatric emergency medicine and is the Founder/CEO of the Academy of Pediatric Integrative Medicin...

Dr. Noshene Ranjbar: on the Frontier of Integrative Psychiatry
Dr. Noshene Ranjbar is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson, Department of Psychiatry and Director of the Integrative Psychiatry Clinic at Banner - UMC South. She serves as Division Chie...

Dr. Larry Rosen: Founder of The Whole Child Center
Dr. Larry Rosen, MD, FAAP, an integrative pediatrician and founder of the Whole Child Center. He is the co-author of “Treatment Alternatives for Children,” an evidence-informed guide for parents interested in natural solutions for common childh...

Dr. John Mark: Clinician, Teacher, Mentor
Dr. Mark received his medical degree from the University of Kansas and completed his residency in pediatrics at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. He then completed a fellowship in pediatric pulmonary medicine at the Univer...

Dr. Melanie Brown: an Innovator in Her Field
Dr. Melanie Brown is an Integrative, Pain, Palliative physician and clinical medical ethicist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota. She is the program director of Integrative Medicine at Children's Minnesota and ...