Hilary McClafferty, MD, FAAP is Board certified in pediatrics, pediatric emergency medicine and integrative medicine.
She practices pediatric emergency medicine and is the Founder/CEO of the Academy of Pediatric Integrative Medicine. www.apim.org
This episode is based on insights from coaching conversations with her colleagues around the country during the Covid-19 surge.
Visit www.apim.org > Clinician Wellness tab for more resources and access to self-paced, interactive CME-based courses on physician and clinician wellness.
Hilary McClafferty, MD, FAAP is Board certified in pediatrics, pediatric emergency medicine and integrative medicine.
She practices pediatric emergency medicine and is the Founder/CEO of the Academy of Pediatric Integrative Medicine. www.apim.org
This episode is based on insights from coaching conversations with her colleagues around the country during the Covid-19 surge.
Visit www.apim.org > Clinician Wellness tab for more resources and access to self-paced, interactive CME-based courses on physician and clinician wellness.